Exercise Therapy is an effective treatment method used to treat a variety of common musculoskeletal conditions.

What is Exercise Therapy?

Exercise Therapy is an effective treatment method used to treat a variety of common musculoskeletal conditions. Following an initial assessment with one of our expert Physiotherapists, they can design an exercise program which will be tailored to the individual needs of the patient. This program will incorporate exercises that strengthen and stretch the affected muscles and joints to improve mobility, reduce pain and inflammation and get you healed more quickly.

At Wickford Physiotherapy, our experienced team of physiotherapists will not just hand you an exercise sheet and tell you to go away! Exercise therapy is only the part of a successful treatment plan which can involve hands on manual therapies or include treatments like laser or shockwave therapy. Plus we believe in reviewing your exercise programme to modify any of the exercises given and assess your progress.

The following are some of the most common conditions which can be treated with Exercise Therapy.

Lower Back Pain

Exercise Therapy is often used to treat lower back pain. Any exercises suggested will focus on strengthening the muscles of the lower back, the core, and your legs to improve stability and reduce strain on the spine.

Shoulder Impingement

Exercise Therapy can help improve mobility in your shoulders and reduce any pain caused by shoulder impingement. Exercises aim to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles and improve the range of motion in your shoulders.

Osteoarthritis of the Knees

Exercise Therapy can help reduce pain and improve function in those with Osteoarthritis in their knees. Strengthening the muscles around the knee joint can improve mobility which reduces strain on the joint.

Plantar Fasciitis

Exercise Therapy can be used to help improve the function of and reduce pain in your feet and ankles when you have Plantar Fasciitis. Prescribed exercises will focus on stretching the muscles in your legs and progressively loading your plantar fascia.

Tennis Elbow

Exercise Therapy can help to improve strength and mobility in the elbow and reduce pain in cases of tennis elbow. Improving the strength in your forearm muscles and improving the range of motion in your elbows is what prescribed exercises will focus on.

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